English Conversation - Come and practise your English! (C1) Minigruppe für Teilnehmer-/innen mit sehr guten Vorkenntnissen
Do you want to continue with your English or to have another try? This course is suitable for students who have already learned English and who want to refresh and use their knowledge and ability to express by reading and discussing current topics of interest and works of English literature at a high level. Grammatical structures will be repeated. Any newcomer welcome!
Kursnr.: F014378
Beginn: Di., 17.09.2024, 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr
Dauer: 12
Kursort: Haus der VHS, Diezer Str. 33, Raum 23
Gebühr: 128,00 €
zzgl. Lehrmaterial (in Absprache mit den Teilnehmer/-innen)
Diezer Straße 33
65549 Limburg
Diezer Straße 33
65549 Limburg